ND-BIRDS is the e-mail discussion list for North Dakota birders and those interested in North Dakota birds and
their ecology. By subscribing to ND-BIRDS, you will be able to:
- share information about bird sightings in North Dakota
- review the most recent bird sighting reports and rare bird alerts from across the state
- learn (and ask) about places to look for birds in North Dakota
- discuss and debate the occurrence, distribution, identification, and ecology of North Dakota birds
To join ND-Birds, go to the following web page:
http://listserv.nodak.edu/archives/nd-birds.html and select the "join or leave the list" option.
You will get an automated response from the listserv computer instructing you to confirm your membership in the group. When you have confirmed, you will receive a more detailed list of instructions in how to participate (how to temporarily stop the messages from the group while you are on vacation, how to find out who else is on the list, etc).
The archives are also available for reading past message on-line. Also check out our Facebook group.